Upcoming Events


Sylvie Sostiene
Abio Novara


Sylvie supports Abio Novara: a gesture of solidarity for the children in hospital. In a world that often seems frenetic and indifferent, there are entities that stand out for their commitment to the well-being of the community. Oggi siamo lieti di annunciare la donazione benefica di Sylvie all'associazione Abio Novara, un'iniziativa che dimostra come la responsabilità sociale possa prendere forma

25/27 February 2025


Lineapelle 25/27 Febbraio MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE DI PELLI, ACCESSORIES, COMPONENTS, FABRICS, SYNTHETICS AND MODELS.   SAVE THE DATE Dal 25 - 27 FEBRUARY 2025 we will be present at FieraMilano Rho. Lineapelle is the most important international exhibition dedicated to the leather sectors, accessories, components, synthetic, fabrics and patterns for footwear, leather goods, clothing and furnishings.