
Our approach to sustainability

our company

Sustainability is a fundamental value for Sylvie. A commitment that flourishes in every decision, like the delicate but firm petals, who respect the earth and embrace responsible innovation.

Sylvie S.r.l. considers sustainability an integral part of business management: people, customers, environment and product are the pillars that guide the company's strategic and organizational choices. In line with the values ​​set out in the company Code of Ethics, the Company guarantees responsible and transparent management of its business.

Through targeted investments, it aims to create long-term value, recognizing corporate social responsibility as a strategic lever for its development. The 2022 year marked a turning point for our company, bringing a significant improvement in contractual conditions for all our workforce, thanks to the transition from the Craftsmanship National Collective Bargaining, Agreement to the Fashion Industry Agreement, thus certifying a significant effort by the ownership in the social sphere. As for the composition of the company team, it is worth noting that it has always been made up of over 86% women, who, thanks to their many years of experience, dexterity, have made possible significant growth in both turnover and staff, a growth that has strongly characterized recent years.

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